Complete Story


Important Update Regarding NeSSA's Management

Dear NeSSA Members,

I am thrilled to share some wonderful personal news with you. I am expecting a new addition to my family, due at the end of November.

As always, I remain committed to NeSSA, the board, our members, events, and everything you've entrusted in me. The Board of Directors was made aware of this announcement at an earlier board meeting and has approved the proposed plan to allow me to work at a reduced capacity in December, January, and February.

While I continue to carry out my normal duties, I am also working ahead to ensure that no task falls through the cracks. This includes:

In addition, the Board has approved the temporary hire of Mary Ann Turner to assist with member communications December through February to ensure that the standards and response times members are accustomed to are upheld. If you reach out to myself or NeSSA directly, you may receive a response back from Mary Ann via her email address, These emails are legitimate.

We do encourage email communication during this time to ensure that your questions are received. If you call, we also encourage you to leave a voicemail as those will be forwarded to Mary Ann as well.

I appreciate your support and understanding as I prepare for this new role in my personal life. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you kindly,
Courtney J. Kahler
Executive Director

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